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publié le 02 avr 2014 par Fabien JONQUIERE
L'Arduino Esplora est une carte microcontrôleur dérivée de l'Arduino Leonardo . Elle intègre un écran TFT et un panel riche de carteurs embarqués (micro, potentiomètre linéaire, capteur de température, de lumière, accéléromètre x,y,z, 4 boutons, joystic xy+bouton).
Auteur : Laurent Coutelier, Lycée Monge, Nantes
Unité centrale
Microcontroller ATmega32u4 Operating Voltage 5V Flash Memory 32 KB of which 4 KB used by bootloader SRAM 2.5 KB EEPROM 1 KB Clock Speed 16 MHz
• Analog joystick with central push-button two axis (X and Y) and a center pushbutton. • 4 push-buttons laid out in a diamond pattern. • Linear potentiometer slider near the bottom of the board. • Microphone for getting the loudness (amplitude) of the surrounding environment. • Light sensor for getting the brightness. • Temperature sensor reads the ambient temperature • Three-axis accelerometer measures the board's relation to gravity on three axes (X, Y, and Z) • Buzzer can produce square-waves. • RGB led bright LED with Red Green and Blue elements for color mixing. • 2 TinkerKit Inputs to connect the TinkerKit sensor modules with the 3-pin connectors. • 2 TinkerKit Outputs to connect the TinkerKit actuator modules with the 3-pin connectors. • TFT display connector connector for an optional color LCD screen, SD card, or other devices that use the SPI protocol.